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An excerpt from my book "Paranormal Myths and Mysteries", available on Amazon:


Do you know what the difference is between "paranormal" and "supernatural"? Paranormal is: “ that are beyond the scope of normal scientific understanding.” The supernatural are events attributed to some force BEYOND scientific understanding or the laws of nature. Do you see the difference? One is an event that defies science, whereas the other is an event that cannot be defined by science and is attributed to a force that goes beyond the laws of nature. I am a supernatural investigator. God, Satan and demons are supernatural. Ghosts, UFO's, aliens, Bigfoot and such belong to the field of the paranormal. That is not to say that I do not delve into the field of the paranormal, or that the two do not overlap, because they do. It is because of this overlapping that I feel obligated to write about what I know from Scripture, and from my own experiences. The devil is the father of lies, and as such, has created for himself a vast array of magical attributes, using our physical world to promote his lies, in order to dissuade us from the truth. Why write a book about the paranormal, I kept asking myself. What is the big deal if people wish to believe in the spirits of the dead? What does it matter? The truth is, it matters a lot. When we look at this world we live in, with all of the heartaches, pressures, insensitivity, murder, rape, thievery, and Lord knows how many other forms of evil we as humans perpetuate, the devil is right there with us. Satan is cheering us on; he wants nothing more than for us to become selfish, illiterate in God's word, and to fall away from faith. If we follow the protocols of the world as we know it, then we are falling away from faith. So, when someone decides to start “ghost” hunting, or getting involved in séances and the like, where's the harm? “Everyone seems to be doing it, and no one seems to be getting hurt” is a statement I have heard from unbelievers. If you knew God's word, you would know that what you are “hunting” is actually Satan. Think about that for a moment, would you? You, the innocent ghost hunter, gathering your equipment together, making sure you have all the batteries charged, the cameras packed, the EMF meter ready; while you are going through your routine and checking off the equipment list, demons are watching you. They are preparing themselves for the attack, the onslaught. But, you may yet wonder, why do I not see any harm coming to me from ghost hunting? The real answer is, you are being harmed, but you don't recognize or associate it with the ghost hunting you are performing. Satan and the demons are more powerful than you can imagine; he does not look like an angel as popular lore would suggest. Satan was a cherub and the Bible describes him as thus: (They were fearsome half-animal half-human creatures, often with lion's bodies and spread wings. They served as guards (Gen 3:24) and those on the lid of the ark were thought of as Adonai's throne. Ezekiel describes them in his visions, but the descriptions vary considerably (Ez 10:21 - 4 faces and 4 wings; Ez 41:18f. - a lion's and a human face).

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